Our Services
Start a Whole New Life
With God's Help
We believe it’s important to have a new members’ class at every church. These classes are supposed to be designed to give you a greater understanding of the principles and spiritual guidelines that a community follows.
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Start a Whole New Life With God's Help
We believe it’s important to have a new members’ class at every church These classes are supposed to be designed. to give you a greater understanding of the principles and spiritual guidelines that a community follows.
In the spirit of love, hospitality and social justiceserve the people of the greater Cypress area We believe that through the faith.
In the spirit of love, hospitality and social justiceserve the people of the greater Cypress area We believe that through the faith.
In the spirit of love, hospitality and social justiceserve the people of the greater Cypress area We believe that through the faith.
Place Of Heaven
Whenever you feel low and depressed come and volunteer for our charity programs.
Follow with us
Our church is open and friendly with many social activities. To keep our church running smoothly.
What We Believe
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Don't wait for the right moment,
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Strengthen Your Faith by Giving Back
In the spirit of love, hospitality and social justiceserve the people of the greater Cypress area We believe that through the faith become family to one another in Jesus. For those who need God`s help, we are happy to see you at our group meetings Find a new purpose in life, start a new path by taking His Word.