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Preypoint Services Our Community

Church services that provide the most meaning

The church service is the gathering together of Christians to be taught the “Word of God” (the Christian Bible) and encouraged in their faith. Technically, the church in church service refers to the gathering of the faithful rather than to the physical place in which it takes place. In most Christian traditions services are presided over by clergy wherever possible, but some traditions utilize lay preachers.

The Bible has a precedent for a pattern of morning and evening worship that has given rise to Sunday morning and Sunday evening service of worship held in the churches of many Christian denomination today, a structure to help families sanctify the Lord’s Day. God commanded the daily offerings in the to be made once in the morning and then again at twilight. In Psalm which is a prayer concerning the observance of the Sabbath, the author writes that “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name declared:

Place Of Heaven

Whenever you feel low and depressed come and volunteer for our charity programs

What We Believe

Our church is open and friendly with many social activities. To keep our church running smoothly.

Place Of Heaven

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Benefits of Church Events

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  • The earliest known Christian church was a house church
  • Some famous churches in london include the Immaculate
  • There are many Christian denominations, or organized
  • A church is a building where Christians worship.

Frequently asked questions

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